Our Impact

Natural Resource Management

Carried out sensitization events involving 36 community groups in 4 counties and public education on the community land rights through FM local radios reaching 560,000 people.

Designed, developed and disseminated community land registration 15,000 rain proof posters and 3,000 copies of policy briefs.

Policy and Governance

5% of bills processed by the 12th National Assembly were sponsored by the PPG members. PPG members sponsored over 30 bills in the 12th parliament and … motions in the National Assembly.

Knowledge Management

Facilitating learning, exchange of knowledge and amplify voices of 30 grantees under the VOICE Kenya project.

It is the time for a new policy agenda, one that delivers safety for the people and security for their properties in drylands. Policies that create stability and boost investment in the entire Northern Kenya landscape.

As the people from drylands we must reclaim and take control of our future with creativity, innovation and support implementation of ambitious goals that eradicates fears and inspires hope. Drought emergencies, cattle rustling, and highway banditry must end and community land rights must be secured.

Core Values

0 M+
voice grantees
PPG Members in
13th Parliament